गुरुवार, 2 अक्टूबर 2014

Rajasthan Police Constable Exam Merit Cut off Marks 2014

Rajasthan Police Constable Exam cut off marks 2014 Rajasthan police Merit list/ cut off for constable written exam 01st June 2014 Rajasthan Police written exam merit list and District wise Cut off
Rajasthan Police Constable Expected Cut Off 2014
Note:  Rajasthan Police  does not declared any Cut Off marks list/ merit list for Constable Exam. Cut Off marks list will be available soon on website http://police.rajasthan.gov.in
Cut off marks along with Result will be available soon on the website http://police.rajasthan.gov.in
Candidates can check previous year cut off marks & merit list from the link given below:
For more information please visit: http://police.rajasthan.gov.in

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