1. LAF – Liquidity Adjustment Facility
2. BSBDA - Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
3. RTGS - Real Time Gross Settlement
4. SLR-Statutory Liquidity Ratio
5. PPP – Public Private Partnership
6. FCNR(B) - Foreign Currency Non-Resident Bank
7. LCR- Liquidity Coverage Ratio
8. NEFT - National Electronic Funds Transfer
9. NBFC-Non Banking Finance Companies
10. MSF- Marginal Standing Facility
11. NSFR- Net Stable Funding Ratio
12. GAAR - General anti avoidance rule
13. FTA- Free trade agreement
14. LRMT- Liquidity risk monitoring tools
15. CBS- Core Banking Solution
16. FSLRC - Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
17. FIPB – Foreign Investment Promotion board
18. DEAF- Depositor Education and Awareness Fund
19. CRAR- Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio
20. FIPB – Foreign Investment Promotion board
21. FEMA- Foreign Exchange Management Act
22. EEFC - Exchange Earner's Foreign Currency
23. ECBs - External Commercial Borrowings
24. DTC – Direct Tax Code
25. CCEA – Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
26. CAR – Cash Adequacy Ratio
27. ALM- Asset Liability Management
28. FSLRC- Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
29. SWIFT- Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
30. CRAR- Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio
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