शनिवार, 26 जुलाई 2014

Lord Shiva - The Destroyer

Shiva at the Madurai Temple.
Lord Shiva is perhaps the most fascinating of all the characters in Hindu mythology. In the West, he is often seen as the god of destruction, who works in conjunction with Brahma the creator, and Vishnu the preserver to ensure the proper birth, functioning and dissolution of creation. But this is only one aspect of his multidimensional nature. He embodies many seemingly contradictory elements. Shiva is the Adiyogi, the first yogi, who first transmitted yoga to humanity. This transmission to the Saptarishis was the first exploration of the yogic sciences. So he is the Mahayogi, “the Great Yogi,” yet he is also a Dionysian figure and the most passionate lover.
Ascetic and Householder
As Nataraja, he is the “Lord of Dance,” as Akhileshvara, he is the Lord of Stillness. He creates the universe in a wild dance of frenzied joy, his hair streaming out behind him like the rays of the sun. He destroys the universe with his Rudra Tandava, bringing one cycle of creation to an end. As Maheshvara, “the Great Lord,” he is worshipped as creator of the world and the giver of esoteric knowledge, while as Mahakala, “Transcendent Time,” he represents both the irresistible march of time and the eternal present that nullifies it. He is the supreme ascetic whose body is smeared with ashes, meditating in the Himalayas, indifferent to the world. Yet he is a husband and householder as Parvati’s husband and Ganesha’s and Karthikeya’s father.
Fearful Yet Beautiful
Shiva as Bhairava, who ripped of Brahma's fifth head.
Lord Shiva also has his fearsome aspect. He is the wrathful Bhairava, “the Terrible,” garlanded with serpents and the skulls of his sacrificial victims, with glaring eyes and pointed fangs. Bhairava haunts the funeral pyres and cemeteries in search of devotees, to whom he teaches occult secrets of left-hand tantra. Shiva is the supreme aghori, living a life beyond terrible. Yet he is Sundareshwara, the most beautiful one.
In his form as Bhuteshvara he is “Lord of the Elements,” who has complete mastery over the Pancha Bhutas, the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. He is considered the origin of the ancient Indian martial art form of Kalaripayattu, and also of the medicinal system of Siddha. Lord Shiva, in fact, embodies the limitless possibilities of existence, reconciling life's complementary aspects into one dynamic whole. In the Mahabharata story, Shiva is praised: “You are the origin of the worlds and you are Time, their destroyer.”
Shiva is the personification of the process of dissolution and re-creation that is constantly at work from moment to moment. He is life itself. He embodies the dynamism and change inherent in life. “All flesh is as grass” – even the things we consider permanent such as the mountains, the oceans, our own personalities, all are in reality transient As befits the god of change, pulsating with vitality, he is the personification of the unconscious mind, which is at once a Pandora's box and our greatest treasure. As the teacher of the ancient techniques of meditation, he shows us the way to uncover the wellsprings of our inner life.
Shiva’s Form
Shiva is portrayed in many forms, depending on which aspect is being represented. Generally speaking, though, he will be shown with four arms, signifying universal power and the four directions of space. He is generally seated on a tiger skin, either naked or with an animal hide to cover his body. The crescent moon adorns the left side of his matted hair. He holds his trident (trishula), symbolizing past, present, and future: and his hourglass drum (damaru), the union of male and female principles, from whose intermingled rhythms all the vibrations of life spring forth. He has a noose, called pasha, to catch and hold his devotees, and a number of weapons with which to fight: a bow – pinaka, an arrow – ajagava, a spear – pashupata, an axe – parashu, a staff or danda, and a club in which a skull is set, named khatvanga.
Shiva also has a cobra around his neck. This represents the kundalini, the life energy present in every human being, rising to its peak, having been set free by yoga. Kundalini literally means “the Coiled Serpent.”
The worship of Shiva
The worship of Shiva is as diverse as his many manifestations. Devotees may offer flowers, vilva leaves and milk. Yet the aghoris also offer feces and urine to Shiva! Usually, the focus of the worship is the linga, an ellipsoidal form, usually crafted out of stone, that is properly energized and consecrated. Applying sacred ash or vibhuti is also part of the worship. The vibhuthi may be prepared from the cremation ground ashes, burnt cow-dung or burnt rice husks, depending on the purpose for which it is to be used.
The festival of Mahashivratri, the “Great Night of Shiva” is celebrated in his honor and is one of the most spiritually significant festivals in India. It falls on the lunar month of phalgun, which corresponds to February and March. Mahashivratri corresponds to a time when the planetary positions create an upward surge in the energies of the human body, making it a very conducive time for spiritual evolution. Guru Poornima is also a festival celebrated for Shiva as the first Guru. The festival falls in the lunar month of Ashada in July.

Shiva as Nataraja, the aspect enshrined in the Chidambaram Thillai Nataraja Temple.

Several temples where Shiva is enshrined in various aspects are considered the most important sacred sites in India. The Chidambaram Temple for instance enshrines Shiva as Nataraja. The Kedarnath temple enshrines Shiva as Kedareshvara, and the Ujjain temple enshrines Shiva as Mahakaleshvara. Kashi or Varanasi is also one of the important places in India. It known as Avimukta, or never forsaken by Shiva, and is said to be his winter place, while Mount Kailash in the Himalayas is his summer place.

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