रविवार, 3 अगस्त 2014

The Rath Yatra at Puri Jagannath Temple

The great Rath Yatra festival of the Puri Jagannath Temple is celebrated in June or July, in the Indian month Ashadha.
The three deities Balarama, Krishna, and Subhadra are put on a specially-made carriage drawn by the puja pandas, and is taken to a nearby lake for a ritual bath; this naturally attracts a very large number of pilgrims who pull the image to the nearby sacred lake on a specially constructed chariot (the word juggernaut originates from this procession). There was a myth that ardent worshipers flung themselves under its wheels, believing that to die in this fashion ensured instant entry into heaven; but in fact such deaths were usually accidental. If such an accident occurred, the procession was stopped, and a ritual purification was carried out. Once again we are confronted with the duality of Hindu worship: extreme spirituality combined with a highly physical approach. On the one hand, we have pilgrims who retrace the steps of the great teachers and holy men, engaged in meditation and spiritual exercises; on the other, we have the uncontrolled physical ecstasy of the enthusiast.
Puri is a place where the rigor and conservatism of the Hindu religion are set aside as Hindus of all castes and creeds dine together without any distinction of high and low.
The million or so pilgrims who visit Puri each year almost all use the services of the priests, who act as pilgrim guides, the pandas or puja pandas mentioned earlier. Each puja panda has his own area of the country to look after; if there is a shortage of pilgrims, he or his agent may visit the area in question to arrange for pilgrimages. The puja panda instructs the pilgrim in the rituals of the temple and arranges for the purchase of flowers, food and lights which are offered to the god; the pilgrims prostrate themselves before the images. Normally respect or darshan is paid to the gods during the hours when the temple is open, but it is possible, on paying a fee, to make a private visit to the shrine; other symbols of devotion are the placing of a banner or name-plate in the temple to record a visit or as thanks for a successful prayer.
The rituals at Puri are particularly extensive; five main services marking the events of the god's day are divided into sixteen stages, with appropriate chants and hymns, but for the ordinary pilgrim it is his or her personal contact with the deity that is important. There are separate pujas or forms of worship for each of the three gods, and for the three lesser gods in the sanctuary, so that the temple is continuously busy, and pilgrims often have to content themselves with a distant bow towards the sanctuary rather than a full length prostration before the god. The great festival of Jagannath is in June or July, in the Hindu month Ashadha, when the god is put on a specially-made carriage drawn by the puja pandas, and is taken to a nearby lake for a ritual bath; this naturally attracts a very large number of pilgrims.


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