मंगलवार, 28 अक्टूबर 2014

Admit Card of SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam 2014 Out


Friends.. Staff Selection Commission is going to conduct the Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam 2014 (10+2) on 2 November, 9 November and 16 November 2014 across the country. SSC has already started dispatching the Admit Cards to eligible candidates through Post. However those who didn't receive the admit cards so has the option to download the duplicate admit card from website. You have to visit your regional website of SSC to download the same. You can find the web address of each region from the following link. All the best!

Northern Region: Click Here
Western Region: Click Here
MP Sub Region: Click Here
Kerala/Karnataka Region: Click Here
Southern Region: Click Here
North Western Sub Region: Click Here
Central Region: Click Here
North Eastern Region: Click Here
Eastern Region: Click Here

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