मंगलवार, 28 अक्टूबर 2014

Rajasthan Police Result 2014 for Constable Written Exam

Rajasthan police constable result 2014 for written exam held on 01st June 2014 constable recruitment written test result Rajasthan police result update/ news/ information Physical exam (PET) date/ schedule Rajasthan police result
Rajasthan Police Constable Result 2014
GOOD NEWS: Rajasthan Police 12178 Constable Recruitment 2013-14 Physical Efficiency Test/ Physical Standard Test (PET/PST) will Start from First Week of November 2014 (Tentative) for Qualified candidates in Written Exam…..and Written Exam Result may be Declare in Last week of October 2014. Please Visit Here Regularly to get Latest Updates of Result Declaration.

Directorate of Police, Rajasthan, Jaipur Constable Recruitment 2013- 2014 Written Examination Result Likely to be Announced in Last week of September OR First Week of October 2014. For Check latest Information/ Updates please Visit our website Regularly OR you also visit Rajasthan Police website (http://exampolice.rajasthan.gov.in/) for any kind of information’s. Please keep Patience and check Update time to time.
Rajasthan Police Recruitment Advertisement No. 3472 dated 14.07.2013 for the recruitment of Constable 12178 Vacancies in Rajasthan Police Department. The Written Test has been conducted by Rajasthan Police on 01.06.2014 (Sunday) at Various centers in Rajasthan Sate.
We are advised to the all candidates who are waiting for Result Please keep in touch with following websites for any update/ News of Result and Declaration Date.
For more detail and latest updates please visit regularly at Rajasthan Police website- (http://police.rajasthan.gov.in OR http://exampolice.rajasthan.gov.in).

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