शुक्रवार, 10 अप्रैल 2015

Sbdgyan In Hindi

1.Ravenous(adj): extremely hungry (भुखमरा)
उपाय : Ravan
उपयोग: A ravenous appetite

2.Recalcitrant (n): stubborn (जिद्दी)
उपयोग: a recalcitrant child.

3.Redolent(adj): smelling strongly of something (सुगन्धित)
उपाय: RED- LAWN
उपयोग: The office was having redolent of furniture polish.

4.Refrain (v): resist; to stop oneself doing something
उपाय: RAIN
उपयोग: He refrained himself from cigarettes.

5. Rife(adj): full or widespread (फैला हुआ)
उपाय: RIFLE(GUN)
उपयोग: An area where crime is rife.

6. Ruminate(v): to think deeply; to meditate (चिंतन करना)
उपाय: ROOM, ATE
उपयोग: Ruminating on a serious issue.

7. Rankle(v): to irritate; to cause angry feeling
उपयोग: This incident happened twenty years ago, but it still rankles in my mind.

8. Reticent(adj):  not showing his thoughts readily (मौन रहने वाला)
उपयोग: The manager was reticent about his plans.

9.Reverie(n): day dream; lost in pleasant thoughts
उपाय: RIVER
उपयोग: He was in deep reverie when I knocked the door.

10.Rabid(adj): violent & extreme (of feeling)
उपाय: RABBIT

उपयोग: Rabid hate against Pakistan.

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