प्रिय पाठक ,
जैसा की आप सभी जानते हैं की प्रिपोज़िशन अंग्रेजी व्याकरण का अभिन्न अंग हैं| अत: हम यहाँ आपको अंग्रेजी में व्यापक तौर पर प्रयुक्त होने वाली प्रिपोज़िशन की सूची उपलब्ध करा रहे हैं| यह पोस्ट एस.बी.आई-पी.ओ 2015 और एन.आई.सी.एल असिस्टेंस 2015 के लिए उपयोगी है|
कुछ प्रिपोज़िशन का प्रयोग कुछ शब्दों के साथ निश्चित है| इस प्रकार के कुछ उदाहरण नीचे दिए गए हैं|
Accustomed of
- He was accustomed of working hard in his youth. (used to)
Accused of
- The man accused of stealing was sent to jail. (blamed of)
Acquainted with
- Please introduce him to me if you are acquainted with him. (know)
Afraid of
- Don’t get afraid of that dog. It won’t bite. (fear from)
Agree to (idea)
- The president agreed to the resolution and passed it. (accept)
Agree with (person)
- If you agree with me please support me. (have same opinion)
According to
- He was acquitted as he was innocent according to the jury. (in the opinion of)
Adapted to
- Man easily gets adapted to new environments. (change)
Along with
- The Prime Minister along with his retinue entered the hall. (together with)
Associated with
- He had long been associated with the organization before he retired. (worked with)
Averse to
- Initially people are averse to accepting their weakness, but with the passage of time they start realizing and correcting themselves. (unwilling to)
Believe in (faith)
- I believe in God. (have faith in)
Belong to
- As this country belongs to us, we belong to this country. (have a right over)
Clever at
- She is clever at painting and playing mu sic, but I am at mu sic. (skilled at)
Congratulate on
- I congratulated her on her great success. (greeted)
Cure for
- As man conquers a disease and find a cure for it, another pops up. (remedy for)
Depend on
- High rate of employment depends on growth of economy. (is related with)
Derived from
- Many English words are derived from Greek and Latin. (came/originate from)
Details of
- This new book contains de tails of her extensive journey. (description of)
Different from
- Village life is quite different from city life. (not same)
Divide into
- The property was divided into two parts and given to the two sons. (break into)
Dream of
- The henpeck husband could never dream of op pos ing his wife. (think of) Frightened of Those frightened of obstacles never proceed ahead for success. (having fear of)
Famous for
- The city of Benaras is famous for its teeming ghats. (known for)
Good at
- He is quite good at convincing people in his favour. (skilled at)
Ignorant of
- Being ignorant of the consequences, thenaives easily fall into bad habits. (not knowing)
Increase in
- There has been a tremendous increase in the multi-nationals in our country. (rise in)
Insist on
- The shopkeeper could not deny when she insisted on paying later. (said forcefully)
Interested in
- Work hard if you are interested in your progress. (want to)
Lack of
- Lack of money brings poverty and lack of knowledge ignorance. (devoid of, not having)
Fond of
- The mother was very fond of her youngest child. (loved/liked very much)
Aim at
- The shooter aimed at the tar get and shot accurately. (fix at the tar get)
Laugh at
- Don’t laugh at those who are deprived of God’s blessings. (ridicule, make fun of)
Listen to
- Hello! Please listen to me. (lend your ear, heed, pay attention to)
Look at
- What are you looking at? (see)
Look after
- The nurse looked after the child better than the mother. (to take care of, to rear)
Look for
- Have you lost anything? What are you looking for under the table. (to search for)
Look into
- I have requested the police commissioner to look into the matter of increasing crime in our locality. (investigate, to probe, examine)
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