गुरुवार, 30 अप्रैल 2015

इंग्लिश व्याकरण के महत्त्पूर्ण टिप्स

व्याकरणिक टिप  1
Possessive case of a noun (nouns with 's) is used with living things. 
उदाहरण  : Mohan' s cap, Ram's school, sister's right
गलत  : This room's carpet must be changed.
सही  : The carpet of this room must be changed. (Room is a lifeless thing)

व्याकरणिक टिप 2
Sometimes 's is wrongly put in the place of preposition.
गलत : This author's book is not good. (Book possessed by this author) 
सही  : The book of this author is not good. (Book written by this author)

व्याकरणिक टिप 3
Double possessives should not be used.
गलत  : My mother's brother's daughter came. 
सही  : The daughter of the brother of my mother came.

व्याकरणिक टिप4
In the case of 'somebody else', 'everyone else ',' anybody else' etc., 's is put after else.
गलत  : This is somebody's else job. 
सही  : This is somebody else's job.

व्याकरणिक टिप 5 
When two nouns are joined by 'and' then 'apostrophe s' ('s) is added to both if we want to denote the possession of both & to last if we denote joint possession. 
गलत  : Suzy's and Juicy's father was present. 
सही  : Suzy and Juicy's father was present. 

व्याकरणिक टिप 6 
When we speak of two things of the same class, the word 'other' should not be left out.
गलत : Neither his brother nor any member of the family helped him. 
सही  : Neither his brother nor any other member of the family helped him.

व्याकरणिक टिप

Present Indefinite 
Verb form I [ s, es] 
He works hard.

Present Continuous 
is/am/are + verb form I + ing 
He is working hard.

Present Perfect 
has/have + verb form III 
He has worked hard.

Present Perfect Continuous 
has/have + been + verb form I + ing 
He has been working hard.

व्याकरणिक टिप 8

Past Indefinite 
verb form II [ did + verb form I] 
He worked hard.

Past Continuous 
was/were + verb form I + ing 
He was working hard.

Past Perfect 
had + verb form III 
He had worked hard.

Past Perfect Continuous 
had + been + verb form I + ing 
He had been working hard.

व्याकरणिक टिप 9

Future Indefinite 
will/shall + verb form I 
He will work hard.

Future Continuous 
will/shall + be + verb form I + ing 
He will be working hard.

Future Perfect 
will/shall + have + verb form III 
He will have worked hard for 20 years before he retires.

Future Perfect Continuous 
will/shall + have + been + verb form I + ing 
He will have been working hard for more than 8 hours.

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