बुधवार, 15 अप्रैल 2015

PM launches PRAGATI: a multi-purpose, multi-modal platform for Pro-Active Governance And Timely Implementation

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Prime Minister's Office 25-March-2015 18:29 IST
PM launches PRAGATI: a multi-purpose, multi-modal 
platform for Pro-Active Governance And Timely Implementation

Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi launched today his ambitious multi-purpose and 
multi-modal platform PRAGATI (Pro-Active Governance And Timely Implementation). 
PRAGATI is a unique integrating and interactive platform. The platform is aimed at 
addressing common man’s grievances, and simultaneously monitoring and reviewing 
important programmes and projects of the Government of India as well as projects flagged by 
State Governments.

Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister said the whole world is now observing India keenly.
 It is imperative that governance in India becomes more efficient and responsive. He said 
the PRAGATI platform was a step in this direction.

During the first PRAGATI interaction today, the Prime Minister discussed issues relating 
to unseasonal rain and relief to farmers, public grievances, project implementation, 
Swachh Bharat and ‘ease of doing business.’ The interaction lasted for two hours. 

Some of the issues discussed included:

• Two sets of public grievances of more than 20 people relating to (a) payment of 
Employees Provident Fund of private sector and (b) Income Tax refunds; It was noted that all 
the grievances had been redressed. Also, the intervention through PRAGATI is leading to 
system improvement so that such grievances do not arise.

• Two issues flagged by States of Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra, regarding National Highways
 and clearance for Navi Mumbai airport, respectively.

• Six Central Government projects involving more than a dozen Union Government Ministries 
and thirteen States. It was noted that various actions and permissions relating to projects 
were pending for several years. Due to PRAGATI, on several issues there was definite progress. 
In fact, some of the issues were almost finally resolved.

• Progress of School Toilet Programme, and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

PM gave suitable directions for redressal of grievances and compliance on the projects 
and programmes and motivated all officers to work in coordinated manner for outcome;

A built-in feature of PRAGATI is that these directions will remain in the system for further follow
 up and review till the finality of the matter.

The PRAGATI platform uniquely bundles three latest technologies: Digital data management, 
video-conferencing and geo-spatial technology. It also offers a unique combination in the direction 
of cooperative federalism since it brings on one stage the Secretaries of Government of India and
 the Chief Secretaries of the States. With this, the Prime Minister is able to discuss the issues with 
the concerned Central and State officials with full information and latest visuals of the ground
 level situation. Such an effort has never been made in India. It is also an innovative project in 
e-governance and good governance.

Immediately after assuming office, the Prime Minister had shown his keenness to design a 
credible mechanism for redressal of Public Grievances. He was equally keen to see that 
programmes and projects launched by the Central and State Government(s) are monitored 
properly for timely implementation and desired outcome. With that spirit and for 
holistic development of the country, it was also felt necessary to facilitate from the 
Union Government level the projects of the States. Accordingly, with the three objectives 
of: Grievance Redressal, Programme Implementation and Project Monitoring, an IT-based 
redressal and monitoring system has been designed. It will combine Data Management and 
Analysis, Geo-spatial Applications as well as Video-conferencing. The application will be 
accessible to the Secretaries of the Government of India and the State Chief Secretaries.

Key features of the PRAGATI application are as follows:

• It is a three-tier system (PMO, Union Government Secretaries, and Chief Secretaries of the States); 

• Prime Minister will hold a monthly programme where he will interact with the Government of India Secretaries, and Chief Secretaries through Video-conferencing enabled by data and geo-informatics visuals;

• The first such programme was launched on 25th March, 2015 (Wednesday) at 3.30 PM;

• Now onwards, it will be held once in every month on Fourth Wednesday at 3.30 PM-to be 
known as PRAGATI Day.

• Issues to be flagged before the PM are picked up from the available database regarding 
Public Grievances, on-going Programmes and pending Projects;

• The system will ride on, strengthen and re-engineer the data bases of the CPGRAMS for 
grievances, Project Monitoring Group (PMG) and the Ministry of Statistics and 
Programme Implementation. PRAGATI provides an interface and platform for all these 
three aspects.

• It will also take into consideration various correspondences to PM’s office by the common 
people or from high dignitaries of States and/or developers of public projects;

• The issues flagged are uploaded seven days prior to the PRAGATI day (i.e. on third Wednesday 
of every month).

• These issues can be viewed by the Union Government Secretaries and Chief Secretaries 
after entering into the application;

• User ID and Password for each of the Union Government Secretaries and Chief Secretaries 
have been created and made available;

• Union Government Secretaries and Chief Secretaries will be able to see the issues pertaining to 
their Department /State;

• Union Government Secretaries and Chief Secretaries have to put their comments and updates 
about the flagged issues within three days (i.e. by next Monday);

• One day - Tuesday is available to the PMO team to review the data entered by the 
Union Government Secretaries and Chief Secretaries;

• The design is such, that when PM reviews the issue he should have on his screen the issue as well 
as the latest updates and visuals regarding the same;

The system has been designed in-house by the PMO team with the help of National 
Informatics Center (NIC). As the name suggests, it is aimed at starting a culture of 
Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation. It is also a robust system for bringing
 e-transparency and e-accountability with real-time presence and exchange among the 
key stakeholders.


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